
5 Ways to Keep Kids Learning All Summer Long

5 Ways to Keep Kids Learning All Summer Long

School’s out for summer, and after the year we've had, it's tempting to let kids run lose and forget about learning.

What’s wrong with a summer of letting kids drink from the garden hose and watch movies in their pajamas? As it turns out, there’s a compelling reason to incorporate a little more learning into summer break: the summer slide.

For those unfamiliar with the term, “summer slide” refers to the significant loss of learning most kids experience over the two months of summer break. ... Read More

Uncategorised 0 Comments 02 Aug 2021

When Your Child Has a

When Your Child Has a "Favorite Parent"

A preference for one parent is normal but can hurt — here is how to handle the situation

“I don’t want you. I want Daddy!” “Mommy is nicer than Daddy.” “I wish I had a different Mom.” As hard as it may be to hear these things, a child favoring one parent over another is a completely normal part of parenting. ... Read More

Parent & Child 0 Comments 15 Jul 2021

The Role of Parents in the Child's Academic Success and Upbring

The Role of Parents in the Child's Academic Success and Upbring

Education is the bedrock of development, the success of a child in school or anywhere is largely a product of good parenting. The home as the first place of contact and school to a child is where his lesson starts, his outlook and personality, values are better nurtured and straightened. ... Read More

Parent & Child 0 Comments 15 Jul 2021